
We welcome a new member of our group, Ana Nastasić.


The members of our group participated in the WaPoDe Kick-off meeting, which was held at the Faculty of Engineering Management.

Grupa WaPoDe


The members of our group signed a contract with the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, for participation on the WaPoDe project.

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 Project “Water pollutants detection by ZnO-modified electrochemical sensors: From computational modeling via electrochemical testing to real system application” – WaPoDe, on which our group participates, was selected for funding by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.

28. 12. 2022.

On December 25, 2022, the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation announced the Sixth call for the inclusion of talented young researchers – doctoral students in the scientific research work of the SRO. Тhe text of the call and applications can be downloaded from the address


27. 12. 2022.

The new website of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia is in operation.



6-16. September 2022.

Researchers from Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India visited our group as part of the work on the bilateral project between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of India under the title “Study of the local structure of Zirconium based Laves phases for batteries applications”.







28 August to 1 September 2022

The 11th Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU11 Congress) was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from 28 August to 1 September 2022. Our colleague Valentin Ivanovski presented a paper in the session Environmental Physics – Alternative Sources of Energy. Our colleagues Ana Umićević and Jelena Belošević-Čavor served as members of the International Scientific Committee.





9-11. 12. 2015.

Milijana Savić and Ivan Madjarevic presented their work at The Fourteenth Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering was held in Belgrade on December 9-11, 2015.

30. 08. – 4.09. 2015.
Ivan Madjarevic  participated in “Summer School 2015 Methods in Molecular Energy Research: Theory and Spectroscopy” August 30 – September 4 2015, Gelsenkirchen, Germany

Gelsenkirchen 2015


10-12. 12. 2014.
Ivan Madjarevic presented the work: “Mössbauer study of Hf0.5Ta0.5Fe2” at The Thirteenth Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering was held in Belgrade on December 10-12, 2014.

86-Ivan Madjarevic



D. Conić, J.Radaković and K.Batalović participated in the  Ist Workshop on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications held at Faculty of Physical Chemistry in Belgrade.

31.3.- 4.4.2014   Dr. Carmen Rangel and Dr.Tiago Sousa from LNEG visited our Institute under bilateral project Portugal-Serbia 2013-2014OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA– selected pictures –

2.4./3.4 Dr. Carmen Rangel and Dr. Tiago Sousa gave talk entitled “Hydrogen and fuel cell activities: Experimental and numerical results”
– selected pictures –


12-17.11.2013 Dr. Jana Radaković and Dr.Katarina Batalović visited IJSOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA– selected pictures –

14-18.10.2013 Dr. Dragica Stojić and Dr. Jelena Belošević-Čavor visited LNEGIMG_1547– selected pictures –

01.05.2013. Bilateral project between Institute Vinča and LNEG (2013-2014)

Enhancement of hydrogen production and storage processes – experimental and theoretical aspects

Leaders: Dr. Jelena Belošević-Čavor Dr. Carmen Rangel

23-26.09.2012 Working visit of Dr. Dragica Stojić, Katarina Ćirić and Jana Radaković to the Department for nanostructured materials, K7, IJS. 25.09.2012. We gave presentation entiteld: “Role of ab initio calculations and nuclear based techniques in understanding the hydrogen sorption process”
– selected pictures –





24-26.10.2012 Working visit of Dr. Andraž Kocjan (K7, IJS) and Dr. Anton Gradišek (F5, IJS) to our group.
– selected pictures –





20.04.2012. Bilateral project between Institute Vinča and Institute Jožef Štefan (2012-2013)

Experimental and theoretical investigation of hydrogen sorption in Mg-Zr-Fe-Ni and Ti-Fe-Ni systems

Leaders: Dr. Vasil Koteski Dr. Andraž Kocjan


STICH 2011, French-German summer school,

5.09-11.09.2011. Benediktinerinnen-Abtei, Frauenwörth, Chiemsee, Deutschland









WE-Heraeus Summer School for Physics 2011, Computer Simulations on Nanotechnology for the Environment, 3.07-15.07.2011. Jacobs University, Bremen, Deutschland – selected pictures –









14.02-26.02.2011 Working visit of Katarina Ćirić to LNEG, Lisbon, Portugal (Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Fuell Cell and Hydrogen Unit), under the supervision of Dr. Carmen M. Rangel.
– selected pictures –





3.12.2010. Dr Božidar Cekić je održao predavanje “Jedan od pogleda na atomsko jezgro, jednom od metoda koincidentne vremenske spektroskopije”. Predavanje je održano u okviru ”Projekta podizanja kapaciteta, promocija i popularizacija fizike i prirodnih nauka”, u organizaciji Odseka za fiziku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, niške Podružnice Društva fizičara Srbije i Astronomskog društva ”Alfa” iz Niša, u saradnji sa Ministarstvom za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije Predavanje, poster


QMC and Casino Program V Summer School, 1 – 8. August 2010. Vallico Sotto, Italy – selected pictures –





M-H Systems 2010 Summer School and Symposium, 14 – 23. July 2010. Chernogolovka/Moscow, Russia.– selected pictures –





ICAMM 2010 and 17th WIEN2k workshop, 5 – 10. July 2010. Nantes, France.
– selected pictures – 
‎Presentation (pdf)







CONARES Summer School 14 – 17 September 2009, Helsinki, Finland – selected pictures – ICMAT 2009





28 June-3 July 2009, Singapore. PDF submitted – selected pictures –