Why God Cannot Get A PhD?
1. He had only one major publication.
2. It was in Hebrew.
3. It had no references.
4. It wasn’t published in a refereed journal.
5. Some even doubt he wrote it by himself.
6. It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since then?…
Mathematical problem:
Today mother is 21 years older then her child. In exactly 6 years mother will be 5 times older then child.
Question: Where is the father of that child now?
This is a real math problem, not a joke!
Answer is given below but try to solve this on your own…
Today kid is X years old, and mother is Y years old, or:
In 6 years, relation will be:
X = – 3/4 years
Therefore answer to question “where is daddy” is (be imaginative)…
(*hint* -> transform years into months…)
Sede Dalaj Lama i Bosanac na reci i pecaju… ćute mudruju i tek će ti Dalaj Lama svoju čuvenu misao: Život je reka!…
Ćute dalje i pecaju, pa kroz dva sata mudrovanja oglasi se i Bosanac: ma sutra malo je život reka. Život su žene, ćevapi, ladna piva i rakija!… Mudruju oni tako i dalje i kroz dva sata primeti Dalaj Lama: …E j… ga a ja ceo život mislio da je život reka…
Gde ide ovaj svet…
U 7 razredu, nastavnica je zadala klincima da pišu pismeni rad na temu “Slavne žene”. Nakon što je pregledala zadatke jedino što je mogla da prokomentariše je sledeće:
“Ne mogu da verujem, od svih slavnih žena, svi ste pisali o Seki Aleksic, Ceci….. Kako nikom nije palo na pamet da piše o nekoj drugoj ženi? Recimo, kako niko nije pisao o Mariji Kiri?”
Na šta su deca počela da se smeju:
“Ali nastavnice, ne kaze se Marija Kiri, vec Maraja Keri.” …..